I'm posting this because one of the best hour in my day is putting him to sleep and I love looking at him while he's asleep. I always tell him he looks like an angel and he likes it when I say that :o) I don't know if I'll ever get tired of looking at his angelic sleeping face - probably not.
I don't know if every mother takes time to look at their children when they're sleeping, but I do. Every time I see EJ sleeping, I realize how precious it is that God gave him to me to take care and to nurture. I may miss the corporate world sometimes but seeing EJ, especially when he's asleep, makes me think it's all worth it! Giving up "my life" so that he can live his is all worth it... I am raising a son that will soon be mighty in this land but no matter where he goes or what he'll be, he will always be my baby :o)
Do you take time watching your baby's face? It won't be long 'til someone else will do it on your behalf :o)