THIS BLOG about about my God and my journey in this life He has given me playing different roles but with a definite purpose :o)

Be Blessed.

if you want to exchange links, just write a comment on any of my post here and we'll do it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


****** (READ FULL POST HERE) ******

I am blogging about this baby because I believe there are people who care. May the Lord touch your heart to help baby Jeff Andrei Las Pinas live longer and better.

Here are several ways you can help:

1. Pray for Jeff Andrei Las Pinas and his family – they need this everyday

2. Spread the word and ask more people to help. Inform me if you will repost this in your blog or write a note and please ask them to email

3. Extend financial assistance – any amount will do. Please leave a comment and email me at then I’ll give you the details on how you can send the money.

SHARE YOUR BLESSINGs. Always remember that we are blessed to be a channel of blessing to many.

“He who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and HE will reward him for what he has done”. – Proverbs 19:17

“He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.” - Proverbs 28:27

God Bless you as you are an instrument of blessing...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Quality Time with my Kiddo

As a mother, it is my heart's desire to be the best that I can be which I believe is a normal thing. So I make sure I spend time with my kids. However, at sometimes, it's hard to spend that quality time with one and not reject the other. Know what I mean? Especially that Meimei (my 2nd child) has a special need - and that is taking care of her colostomy and her dilations., sometimes I can't help but "reject" some of Elisha's (my first born) requests. So inorder to assure my son that I do love him and want to spend time with him, I have this DATE with him.

Our “Date Day” is scheduled every Saturday afternoon after his children’s choir practice in church. Most of the time we go to the mall to do 2 things: (1) arcade to play basketball :D and (2) eat whatever he likes to eat. Sometimes I buy toys or stuff for him (based on the budget) and sometimes he gets to decide a surprise “pasalubong” (gift) for his sister... Click here for full details of our date day.

So parents, no matter how busy we are, let's not forget that spending time with our kids as individuals is very important.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meimei's PSARP Surgery

Last October 5, 2009 at 7:30am at the Riverside Medical Center my daughter went through with her 2nd operation – the PSARP (Posterior Sagittal AnoRectoPlasty – the surgery required to create an anus). To give you a glimpse of what took place at the hospital I decided to blog about it. So read on in my main blog

Monday, September 28, 2009


My husband and I agreed that from time to time, we will write letters to our children so that someday, they have something to guide and encourage them when they need it. We can’t and we won’t be with them all the time, but with these letters, it’s as if we’re beside them. From these letters they’ll know how much we love them, what we value the most, what we pray for, what our principles are, who we are and what we, as parents, hope to impart to them that they too can impart to their children. We will categorize these types of blogs as LOVE LETTERS TO E.J. because truly, all our letters will be written because we love them. All our children have the initial E.J. Elisha Joey (Elisha or EJ) our son and Elizabeth Joy (Meimei) our daughter. If a third child comes, for sure his or her initial will still be E.J.

Just as the Bible is God’s love letter to mankind, this LOVELETTERS blog will be our love letter to Elisha and Meimei (and to our 3rd, 4th, 5th or nth child – ehhhhm!).

Samples of these letters are here, just click away:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's been a while since my son had his cough - I don't know if it's because it's too cold, too dry, bacterial, viral or allergic reactions of some sort (he was diagnosed with slight asthma when he was a little over 1 year old). There's just too many possible causes and being in a foreign land (China) it's really hard for us to know which ones to let him take because they really have a different way of treating sickness here. It was also found out that his tonsils were inflamed and because of that, he was recommended to have IV medications that would last for 5-6 days. Their IV treatment is outpatient so it means each day, they will put the needle on and after a few hours, when the medicine runs out, remove it. The following day, same thing. That will go on for 5-6 days and I don't want my son treated that way... So we decided not to go through with the IV medication. The doctors had to ask us to sign a waiver that we decided not to go through with the medication because they feared it might make the infection get worst. We tried using the supplements and cough medicines that we've brought from the Philippines. We've seen improvements, though slow, but somehow everyday things are getting better.

Yesterday, we started him with taking Chinese herbs (yes, those bitter herbs that i need to cook and then he drinks the soup) with honey to make the taste bearable. I am just so blessed that my son drinks them in spite the awful taste - of course with some creative manipulations and rewards. He is also into antibiotics as his tonsils have puss. He will have his check up again this Sunday to see how his tonsils and lungs are but even before that day comes, I am declaring that God has already healed him. I taught my son to declare this: BY THE STRIPES OF JESUS I AM HEALED, and every time he coughs, he boldly declares that. He may be taking several things to help his body, but HEALING COMES FROM THE LORD. I believe God can use anything or anyone to bring that healing... Just as Jesus healed the blind man by asking him to put mud over his eyes or Elisha asking the king during during his time to dip himself in the Jordan river 7 times, God can do anything He pleases to let that healing come.

God still heals these days... The methods may be different but the same God that raised Jesus from the dead is capable of healing my son. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

He WIll Always Be My Baby...

This picture was taken yesterday when my son EJ was sleeping soundly. It was already morning but he was still in deep sleep so I figured I'd take his picture, without his permission, hihi...

I'm posting this because one of the best hour in my day is putting him to sleep and I love looking at him while he's asleep. I always tell him he looks like an angel and he likes it when I say that :o) I don't know if I'll ever get tired of looking at his angelic sleeping face - probably not.

I don't know if every mother takes time to look at their children when they're sleeping, but I do. Every time I see EJ sleeping, I realize how precious it is that God gave him to me to take care and to nurture. I may miss the corporate world sometimes but seeing EJ, especially when he's asleep, makes me think it's all worth it! Giving up "my life" so that he can live his is all worth it... I am raising a son that will soon be mighty in this land but no matter where he goes or what he'll be, he will always be my baby :o)

Do you take time watching your baby's face? It won't be long 'til someone else will do it on your behalf :o)

Friday, December 12, 2008


This is an incredible story of a man named Scott Rigsby... An ordinary man who faced an accident that nearly destroyed his life, but God turned the situation around and used it for His Glory. An ordinary person changed and used by an extraordinary God - for us to see the reality of this verse:

"All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28

What is it you're facing right now that seem hopeless? Don't despair... HE IS IN CONTROL :o)

Be Blessed...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can you imagine giving up your own son?

I've watched this video several times, but each time, I have to ask myself if I can give up my son's life for the sake of saving hundreds... And every time my answer is NO... Yes, I am selfish and I believe I am most parents... BUT this video shows something different - a picture of how much God loves us that He gave His only son to save us all... This video shows it in a language we can all understand.

Be Blessed...

If you were in the father's place, what would you do?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Second Life?

Last night something terrible happened... I knew it was a dream but it felt so real that when I woke up, I had chest pains, catching my breath and my body so stiff. In Filipino term it's like "bangungut." A lot of people die in this kind of experience while sleeping, but I truly thank God I survived. It's the first time it happened to me and I pray it's the last.

In my dream I felt very dizzy and everything around me was whirling, it got faster and faster and faster. I was trying to shout "langga" (which is how I call my husband) several times and trying to reach and wake him up because I knew exactly he was sleeping next to me. Everything in my mind and body was awake and conscious but as I shouted, no voice came out and as I moved my left hand, I wasn't able to do it. For a moment I felt my heart stopped beating and I lost my breath but I was determined to wake up... Then all of a sudden BOOM, I was able to open my eyes and breathe really fast. My heart was painful and my body so weak... The first thing I said when I woke up was THANK YOU LORD! I knew God sent an angel to wake me up and I am grateful. I then hugged Joey and looked at EJ to make sure they're sleeping well. I then touched my tummy to assure my baby that everything ok. After that I prayed that they will never experience that kind of dream and that God will always keep them safe in their sleep.

I would like to believe this is a second life... I just know there's still much work to be done and one of which is raising up kids that will soon be "mighty in this land".

Thank you Lord for this life... I will forever be grateful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Facing the Giants

The other day I posted in my other blog, Anything.Something.Everything, an episode from the movie Facing the Giants.


"From the award-winning producers of FLYWHEEL comes a new, action-packed, family-friendly drama about a high school football coach who draws up a new game plan for his team … and himself.

In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of fathers are plotting to have him fired. Combined with pressures at home, Coach Taylor has lost hope in his battle against fear and failure.

However, an unexpected challenge helps him find a purpose bigger than just victories. Daring to trust God to do the impossible, Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field … and off.
With God, all things are possible … "

If you haven't watched the movie yet, visit Anything.Something.Everything to find out where and how to watch online or download this movie for FREE! You can share this news or to your family, friends and churchmates. OR watch it in your small groups! You may even want to give the movie in DVD to someone as Christmas gift :o)

Be Blessed!


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